Reference Materials

Public Funds Investment Act of the State of Illinois (30 ILCS 235/1)

Local Government Debt Reform Act (30 ILCS 350/)

Public Funds Deposit Act  (30 ILCS 225/)

Commercial Paper Today

Segment Your Portfolio

Diversification Mitigates Risk

Using Commercial Paper in Investment Portfolios

GFOA Template Investment Policy

Cash Flow Forecasting White Paper

How Cash Flow Forecasting Helps with Investing


Yield Calculator

Effective Federal Funds Rate

GFOA Best Practices/Advisories

GFOA Best Practices identify specific policies and procedures that contribute to improved government management. They aim to promote and facilitate positive change or recognize excellence rather than merely to codify current accepted practice. GFOA has emphasized that these practices be proactive steps that a government should be taking. Best practices are applicable to all governments (both large and small). Best practices are approved by the GFOA executive board and represent the official position of the organization.  

GFOA Advisories identify specific policies and procedures necessary to minimize a government’s exposure to potential loss in connection with its financial management activities. For many advisories, GFOA will be providing specific recommendations on how to avoid risk or loss, either proactively or retroactively, in response to current events or trends. Advisories are approved by the GFOA executive board and represent the official position of the organization.

Association of Public Treasurers of the US and Canada

APT US&C offers educational and certification opportunities to public sector treasury and investment professionals, including various ongoing accreditations such as the Certified Public Finance Administrator (CPFA) and the Certified Public Funds Investment Manager (CPFIM).  APT US&C also  provides certifications for organizations, not individuals. APT US&C certifies investment, debt, cash handling and disaster preparedness policies.


APT US&C policy certifications Going through a disciplined process to create your policies, and then  having them reviewed and certified may show stakeholders that your organization is prepared and that you have policies in place that have received a national stamp of approval.

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